Bruno Capuano
AI Dude - Microsoft AI MVP
Raphael Koellner
Microsoft Regional Director, MVP Office Apps and Services, Windows Insider MVP, Podcaster, Speaker
Michael Plettner
CEO and Co-Founder of in2success GmbH, Lead of the Microsoft Teams User Group Germany
Dr. Alexander Wachtel
CEO @ ESC Germany & Ph.D. Candidate in AI, NLP, Cognitive Services @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2019)
Daniel Kordes
M365 Administrator
René Wasel
Community Geek
Yitzhak David
Christian Waha
Technical Fellow - ti&m AG
Tomasz Poszytek
Business apps and processes expert
Rob Richardson
Thorsten Pickhan
Senior Microsoft UC Consultant, Speaker and Community Worker
Nicole Enders
Team Lead Cloud Workplace Solutions, CONET Solutions GmbH
Hannes Preishuber
Eldert Grootenboer
Cloud Solution Architect - Azure MVP
Jan-Henrik Damaschke
Azure MVP - Senior Cloud Architect
Eve Pardi
Microsoft AI MVP
Unleash the power of Teams with Power Virtual Agents
Teams is really the hub of teamwork since we've got multiple apps integrated directly. One of these apps is PVA - Power Virtual Agents.
During this session I will explain and demonstrate how to create some powerful governance rules and raise user adoption as an admin by creating "Power Virtual Agents".Track Karlsruhe: AITue 11:00 - 12:00 -
Implementierung eines Chatbot mit OpenAI's GPT-3 Sprachmodell
In diesem Vortrag wird Open AI und deren neuestes Sprachmodell GPT-3 vorgestellt. Aufbauend auf einem Encoder-Decoder Modell wird durch das GPT-3 ein Transformer Werkzeug für die Sprachverarbeitung implementiert. Dabei erstellt das GPT-3 mithilfe von einem Aufmerksamkeitsmechanismus natürlichsprachliche Texte, die von denen eines Menschen kaum zu unterscheiden sind. In der Demo wird die API des GPT-3 Sprachmodells für die Sprachgenerierung eines Chatbot verwendet.
Track Karlsruhe: AITue 12:00 - 13:00 -
Interpret-Text: Building trust and power with explainability
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have a growing impact on people's lives on an every-day-level, thus it is fundamental to protect, control and understand the behavior and complexity of different models. Interpretability assists data scientists to explain, debug and validate their models, thus helping to build trust towards the model.
Interpret-Text, the innovative interpretability technique for Natural Language Processing (NLP) models has been developed by the community, and just has been announced at Microsoft Build 2020.
During this session, attendees will get an understanding about how to explain their models and then how to build a visualization dashboard that provides insights into their data, using different state-of-the-art explainers.Track Karlsruhe: AITue 14:00 - 15:00 -
Getting Started with Machine Learning.Net and Auto ML
Machine Learning has moved out of the lab and into production systems. Understanding how to work with this technology is one of the essential skills for developers today. In this session, you will learn the basics of machine learning, how to use existing models and services in your apps, and how to get started with creating your own simple models.
And if you are a .Net developer, we will cover the basis of Machine Learning.Net, a complete ML framework to work with C#, F# or any other .Net Core language.Track Karlsruhe: AITue 15:00 - 16:00 -
Analytics in Power BI with R and Python with SQL Server 2019 ML Service & Polybase
If you are a BI developer, business analyst, data scientist who wants to push Power BI and transform it from being just a BI tool into an advanced data analytics tool, then this is session . R and Python languages are powerful complements to Power BI. They enable advanced data transformation techniques that are difficult to perform in Power BI in its default configuration, but become easier through the application of data wrangling features that languages such as R and Python support.
• Create data visualizations through R using the ggplot2 package
• Ingest data using R and Python to overcome the limitations of Power Query
• Apply pre-trained models in SQL Server Machine Learning Services models
• Use String manipulations not otherwise possible in Power BI using R and Python
• Use SQL 2019 Polybase with Power Bi , R and Python to explore Hadoop , Oracle , MongoDB and SQL server data sets with 1 T-SQL Query .
My previous lectures : Practical SQL 2014 Data Mining and introduction to R ,Practical data science and Performance patterns for a DBA with SQL Server 2017Track Karlsruhe: AITue 16:00 - 17:00
Low Code Solutions with Office 365
Office 365 offers a wide range of possibilities to create your individual workspace. And just in case that these possibilities don't fit your needs, there are many third party tools and services to be combined with the services in Office 365. This session shows how to use standard functionalities of SharePoint, Flow and Planner im combination to build custom applications. We will focus on:
- Introduction: Standard vs. Low Code vs. individual development
- Building a custom application with Office 365
- Enhance your application with FlowTrack Köln: Microsoft 365Tue 11:00 - 12:00 -
Aufbewahrung und Löschung bei Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams ist ein Werkzeug, welches sich gerade in Zeiten der Pandemie immer größerer Beliebtheit erfreut. Es wird gechattet, telefoniert, online Besprechungen abgehalten oder einfach nur gemeinsam an Dokumenten gearbeitet. In dieser Session nehmen wir uns Microsoft Teams einmal aus Sicht der Durchsetzung des Lösch- und Sperrkonzeptes und spezifischer Aufbewahrungsvorschriften, wie der GoBD vor.
Track Köln: Microsoft 365Tue 12:00 - 13:00 -
Microsoft Teams Rooms - Update 02/21
Im letzten Jahr hat sich Microsoft Teams Rooms in seiner Funktionalität stark weiterentwickelt. Wir wollen einen Überblick über die neuen Funktionen geben und auch einen Blick auf die Ankündigungen für die nächsten Monate werfen.
Dabei betrachten wir die Unterschiede in den einzelnen Plattformen (MTRoA und MTRoW) und schauen uns die bereits öffentlichen Informationen zu den Teams Panels als neue Geräteklasse im MTR System an.Track Köln: Microsoft 365Tue 14:00 - 15:00 -
Boost user experience in your business processes with Adaptive Cards
Cards are in Office 365 for some time already. Originally created as Message Cards after some time rebuilt from nearly a scratch to become Adaptive Cards. Today they can be used in Microsoft Teams and Outlook. This session will let you to learn:
• What is a difference betweeen Message and Adaptive Cards,
• How to design cards,
• How to use them - a working example
• What to expect from version 2.0 announced during MS Build conference.
Process designers should make their processes as intuitive as possible, allowing their participants to take their part in the most effective way, whether this is an e-mail, Teams conversation or a task somewhere in Office 365. Using Cards helps creating new channel for efficient participation in business processes.Track Köln: Microsoft 365Tue 15:00 - 16:00 -
Microsoft Teams Meetings – hidden champions für eine bessere Meeting Organisation
In dieser Sitzung erfahrt Ihr mehr über Meetings und Meeting-Organisation mit Teams und Office 365. Viele kennen die grundlegenden Funktionen, um ein Teams-Meeting mit Outlook einzurichten. Aber kaum jemand kennt die Unterschiede und Vorteile eines über Teams geplanten Meetings oder den Hidden Champions vor und während eines Meetings.
Auf diese möchte ich in meiner Session eingehen, ebenso wie auf einige nützliche Tools zur Organisation von Meetings.Track Köln: Microsoft 365Tue 16:00 - 17:00
Building better security for your API platform using Azure API Management
These days we use APIs to expose all our microservices , processes, and data, and all this while working in a PaaS or serverless environment. But how do we ensure this is done in a secure and governed way?
This is where Azure API Management comes in, where we can create a repository of all our APIs, and make sure to expose all of these securely in a standardized manner. In this session we will dive into the most common security hazards, and see how API Management helps us solve these. You will learn all about the strengths and weaknesses of the product, best practices, and how to harden the defenses of your services.Track München: DevTue 11:00 - 12:00 -
Quantum Computing Basics
I will talk About Qbits, how Qbits work and the massive difference in algorithmics on qantum computing.
Track München: DevTue 12:00 - 13:00 -
Lass uns über die Teams Api sprechen
So richtig cool wird Teams erst, wenn es sich in eigene Systeme integriert. Dazu sieht Microsoft die Graph Api vor. Ich zeige euch wie wir Authentifizierung und Workflow in unser bestehendes ASP.NET basiertes CMS integriert haben und man wesentlich mehr aus Teams rausholen kann. Ein paar Slides und Coding.
Track München: DevTue 14:00 - 15:00 -
Database DevOps with Containers
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can't just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version. Let's start with the production database, and get SQL Server content to developers in containers, and then flow schema and lookup data back into production with migration tools. You can bring the reliability and automation of CI/CD pipelines to Database DevOps with containers.
Track München: DevTue 15:00 - 16:00 -
Serverless Website Development with Azure Static Web Apps
In modern web development, the Jamstack architecture is almost indispensable. With Azure Static Web Apps, Microsoft now offers a service that not only follows the principles of the Jamstack architecture, but also provides fully integrated options for authentication, serverless function backend and dynamic CI/CD processes.
We will use several website frameworks to illustrate and discuss the benefits, limitations and best practices of Static Web Apps.Track München: DevTue 16:00 - 17:00